
cherished desire中文是什么意思

  • 悲愿



  • 例句与用法
  • Longing reads to already made the greatest cherished desire of children of 1 billion unable to go to school
  • But , his long - cherished desire to know more about these matters , not only stopped him in his running away , but lured him back again
  • The highest national average rice yield , 4 . 94 t / ha in milled rice , was recorded in 1977 , and it resulted in self - sufficiency of rice production which had been a long - cherished desire of korean people
    1977年创造了全国稻米平均产量4 . 94吨/公顷的记录,使水稻生产自给自足,这是韩国人民梦寐以求的愿望。
  • Thus , to satisfy a long - cherished desire of korean initiates , last december a new meditation hall was built that can hold around 450 initiates for meditation and has a 4 x 5 . 5m 13x18 wide screen for viewing masters videos
    新大殿约可容纳450位同修打坐,并设置了一个45 . 5公尺的大萤幕,可观看师父的录影带。
  • Therefore , a set of operating devices of the fuse tube , which works safely and reliably , and can be operated easily , has been the operator ' s cherished desire for a long time
  • Our mill innovation in accordance with is practical always 、 against hour completely moves forward serve essence , in line with the equality and mutual benefit management rule , with cordial cherished desire against you starts happyly band in hand in all tomorrow
  • As chinese quality 10 thousand lis of travel advance conference director unit , the company holds to from beginning to end " it is with the person this , advocate science " management concept , hold to from beginning to end and carry out " reach the designated position step by step high - quality goods of creation client need , in pairs satisfies client cherished desire " quality guiding principle
  • 其他语种释义
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